What is PARM
Stories Challenge
Building their resilience is key to food security and improvement of the livelihoods of these farming champions.
After the success of PARM Art Challenge, the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) launched the global campaign “PARM Stories Challenge” with media professionals, as part of the celebration of the #WorldFoodDay and the International #RuralWomenDay.
The challenge consisted in producing a high-quality video story that portrays
rural farmers’ self-resilience to agricultural risks and showcases how this could be strengthened in order to increase their productivity and sustainable agri-food systems, contributing to the achievement of sustainable development goals 1, 2, 5, and 15.
The challenge has been organized in partnership with Africa 21, a network bringing together around 700 African journalists from 40 countries with expertise in development topics and a platform for exchange between media practitioners and researchers. Created in 2011, the network works for a better understanding of sustainable development in Africa, in particular from the angle of the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.
PARM is hosted and co-funded by the International Fund for the Development of Agriculture (IFAD) and supported by the Development French Agency (AFD), the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and the European Commission (EC).
The 10 finalists will be rewarded as follows:
- The first winning video producer will visit one or more PARM/IFAD operational countries to gain direct experience of the projects and activities of the United Nations in agricultural risk management, and will be able to produce an additional video with PARM/IFAD direct beneficiaries.
- The next two winning video producers along with the first place winner will participate in an international conference to present their videos which will also be promoted across PARM, FARM-D and Africa 21 institutional platforms.
- The last seven finalists will receive certificates of participation which recognize them as finalists of an international challenge and will have their names and profiles featured in the challenge communication materials.

Dorcas Mayala Ntumba
KM, Communications & Partnership Specialist, Founder of PARM Stories Challenge, IFAD/PARM
Dorcas Mayala Ntumba is a senior communication expert with 15 years of experience in corporate communications, public information, marketing, public relations and journalism. She worked with international organisations, private sector, media and UN system before joining the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) hosted by IFAD, where she is currently coordinating the knowledge management cluster at global, regional & country levels.

Carlos Tomas Lora Acosta
Creative Director and Expert in communication with the United Nations, Consultant for the PARM Stories Challenge
Carlos Tomas Lora Acosta is a Creative Director and Communications Expert. He works with international public and private organization within strategic and visual communication. Lecturer of visual identity and photography in higher education courses. Currently and consultant for the United Nations and visual design coordinator of the PARM Stories Challenge.

Ange Soubirous Tambineza
Communications Officer, FAO
Ange Soubirous Tambineza is a communication professional with 14 years of experience in political advisory, media and communication with governments, private sector and UN system. Since 2018, the award-winning senior journalist works for the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) – HQ as Communications Officer, where she also serves as the focal point for Africa in outreach and campaigns.

Tovo Ratsimbazafy
Technical Manager, FIFATA
Tovo Ratsimbazafy serves as Technical Manager at FIFATA, a network bringing together over 6000 farmers’ organisations and over 300,000 member farming households in Madagascar. With 13 years of experience, Tovo supports farmer organizations in the management and development of their various activities for a growing family, professional and competitive agriculture as well as improving rural farmers’ income and livelihoods.

Julien Chambolle
Secretary General & Co-Founder,
Julien Chambolle is the Secretary General of Africa 21, a network of African journalists specializing in sustainable development and climate change. He has been working on African media and sustainable development for 12 years. In 2011, he co-founded Africa 21 where he is also serving as Editor of the organisation’s journal "Sustainable Africa 2030" (Sustainable Africa 2030).

Anne Delaite
Journalist, Swiss Radio Television
Anne Delaite is an international journalist who spent most of her career within the Swiss Radio Television (RTS) where she served as correspondent in Africa, Eastern Europe and West Asia. With 30 years of experience, she also covers international news in agriculture and sustainable development. Anne has previously worked in the humanitarian sector with the International Committee of the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders.

Chloé Nabédian
Journalist, TV5 Monde
Chloé Nabédian is an international journalist with a strong interest in environment and climate change. She worked for France 2 as TV presenter of the weather bulletins. Since 2022, Chloé serves as journalist for TV5 Monde where she launched her show “À la vie, à la terre” (To life, to the earth). She authored 2 books: “Is the weather going crazy? » (2019) and “The Great Mysteries of Nature” (2022).